UX Designer

BBVA Bancomer

Bancomer Digital Bank Experience

My collaboration with Bancomer was in few different projects, most of them are still confidential so I decided to describe just the frameworks and methodologies I had opportunity to put in practice there.

Design Sprint  & Product Design

We run a Design Sprint with a cross-functional team to re-design a tool that will manage monthly incomes from a debit card, helping users to make smart financial decisions. The result: a shared vision between the team of what were the real user needs and the constraints of the actual development.


Heuristic Evaluation- System for Financial Centers

Associates (employees from bank) have access to a system where they can see data from each customer before offering financial deals. These system was developed a few years without planning and with a very complicated flow. So this makes the associate feel continuously lost and misunderstood by the overload of tools available. We conduct an heuristic evaluation and propose some UI changes to improve the consistency and be more clear and easy to use for associates.


Design System, Atomic Design and 8-Point Grid System

I worked in the implementation of the new global design for the bank applied to responsive website.  We had to adapt design styles from a Design System (originally constructed by Spain) to mexican digital products and features.

We did this by using:

  • Atomic Design

  • Global Design System

  • Collaboration with developers in daily stand-ups scrum and sprint.

  • UI framework: a code style guide with collection of preassembled HTML patterns, CSS styles, and JavaScript components we had to consider

  • Construct each component, font and grid using 8-Point Grid System

  • Usability Testing for each new feature 

  • Material Design Guidelines

  • Testing Sessions GFK for every design decision and defined flow

Captura de pantalla 2019-02-06 a la(s) 18.13.01.png